华大研究院过去在单细胞测序工具研发方向不断取得突破,目前在单细胞基因组/外显子组测序(Xu et al., Cell, 2012, Hou et al., Cell, 2012), 单细胞全长转录组 (Wu et al., GigaScience, 2015), 单细胞多组学(Liu et al., Nature Communications, 2019)等领域均处于世界领先地位。
当前单细胞测序技术在成本,通量等方向存在挑战,为了进一步实现单细胞组学全方位规模化应用,推动全球单细胞组学研究和临床应用。华大研究院自主研发了高通量的单细胞建库系统DNBelab C4, 该系统具有便携,低成本等方面具备显著优势,可以实现高通量单细胞转录组,表观组和多组学测序。目前该系统已经转化华大智造,于2019年10月正式对外发布。通过全球合作,该系统已经在发育,疾病,动植物演化,衰老,脑科学等领域实现全面应用。与此同时,结合华大自主研发的DNBSEQ高通量的测序系统以及自动化建库系统,华大目前在深圳,青岛,北京,欧洲等地已全面实现单细胞数据规模化生产。
1.Zhu, L. et al. Single-cell sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells reveals distinct immune response landscapes of COVID-19 and influenza patients. Immunity. S1074-7613(20)30316-2 (2020)
2.Han, L. et al. Single-cell atlas of a non-human primate reveals new pathogenic mechanisms of COVID-19. bioRxiv. 022103 (2020)
3.Liu, C. et al. A portable and cost-effective microfluidic system for massively parallel single-cell transcriptome profiling. bioRxiv. 818450 (2019)
4.Liu L, Liu C, Quintero A, et al. Deconvolution of single-cell multi-omics layers reveals regulatory heterogeneity[J]. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 1-10.
5.Wu L, et al., Full-length single-cell RNA-seq applied to a viral human cancer: applications to HPV expression and splicing analysis in HeLa S3 cells. GigaScience, 2015, Nov 5;4:51.
6.Xu X, et al., Single-Cell Exome Sequencing Reveals Single-Nucleotide Mutation Characteristics of a Kidney Tumor. Cell, 2012, 148(5), 886-895
7.Hou Y., et al., Single-Cell Exome Sequencing and Monoclonal Evolution of a JAK2-Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasm. 2012, 148(5), 873-885