| B10K Database - 华大集团

Project Organizers

Guojie Zhang

Zhejiang University

Centre for Evolutionary & Organismal Biology

Email: guojiezhang@zju.edu.cn

M. Thomas P. Gilbert

University of Copenhagen

Curtin University

Email: mtpgilbert@gmail.com

Erich D. Jarvis

The Rockefeller University

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Email: ejarvis@mail.rockefeller.edu

Fumin Lei

Institute of Zoology, CAS

Email: leifm@ioz.ac.cn

Carsten Rahbek

University of Copenhagen

Imperial College London

Email: crahbek@snm.ku.dk

Gary R. Graves

Smithsonian Institution

University of Copenhagen

Email: gravesg@si.edu

Peter A. Hosner

Natural History Museum of Denmark

Email: peter.hosner@snm.ku.dk

Organization and coordination

Josefin Stiller

University of Copenhagen

Email: josefin.stiller@bio.ku.dk

Shaohong Feng

Zhejiang University

Evolutionary & Organismal Biology Research Center

Email: fengshaohong@zju.edu.cn

Daniel Bilyeli Øksnebjerg

University of Copenhagen

Email: daniel.oksnebjerg@sund.ku.dk

Data management

Bent Petersen

Natural History Museum of Denmark

Email: bent.petersen@bio.ku.dk

Yuan Deng

BGI Research

Email: dengyuan@genomics.cn

Guangji Chen

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

BGI Research

Email: chenguangji@genomics.cn

Chengran Zhou

BGI Research

Email: zhouchengran@genomics.cn

Leading Institutes

BGI Research (China)

Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)

China National GeneBank, BGI–Shenzhen (China)

Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (USA)

Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center (USA)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (USA)

Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China)

Department of Environment and Agriculture, Curtin University (Australia)

Imperial College London (UK)

Museum Participants

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC

Gary R. Graves (gravesg@si.edu)

Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Carsten Rahbek (crahbek@snm.ku.dk)

Jon Fjeldså (jfjeldsaa@snm.ku.dk)

Lousiana State University, Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Frederick H. Sheldon (fsheld@lsu.edu)

Van J. Remsen (najames@LSU.edu)

Robb T. Brumfield (robb@lsu.edu)

Donna L. Dittmann (ddittma@lsu.edu)

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Fumin Lei (leifm@ioz.ac.cn)

Southern Cross University

Les Christidis (les.christidis@gmail.com)

Museum Victoria, Australia

Joanna Sumner (jsumner@museum.vic.gov.au)

The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois

Ben D. Marks (bmarks@fieldmuseum.org)

John M. Bates (jbates@fieldmuseum.org)

Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Sharon M. Birks (sbirks@u.washington.edu)

Adam D. Leache (leache@u.washington.edu)

Kansas University Biodiversity Institute, Lawrence, Kansas

Rob G. Moyle (moyle@ku.edu)

Andrew T. Peterson (town@ku.edu)

University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Ian G. Jamieson (recently deceased)

Tania M. King (tania.king@otago.ac.nz)

Bruce C. Robertson (Bruce.Robertson@otago.ac.nz)

San Diego Zoo, San Diego, California

Oliver A. Ryder (oryder@sandiegozoo.org)

April K. Gorow (agorow@sandiegozoo.org)

Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, Berlin, Germany

Sylke Frahnert (sylke.frahnert@mfn-berlin.de)

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California

Moe E. Flannery (mflannery@calacademy.org)

John P. Dumbacher (jbumbacher@calacademy.org)

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada

Allen J. Baker (recently deceased)

Santiago Claramunt (sclaramunt@rom.on.ca)

American Museum of Natural History, New York

Paul R. Sweet (sweet@amnh.org)

Joel L. Cracraft (jlc@amnh.org)

Copenhagen Zoo, Copehangen, Denmark

Mads F. Bertelsen (mfb@zoo.dk)
